About Us

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Our company, whose foundations were laid by our founder HAYDAR BOZ in 1953, has been operating in the field of “INSULATION” for more than half a century. Since its foundation, our company continues to work with dealerships from the leading firms in the sector and serve with its well trained personnel to respond to the needs of the insulation industry.

Our fields of operation are Water Insulation, Thermal Insulation and Fire Insulation. These operations are carried out as sales within our company.

The brands we sell are 

Clever (Construction Chemicals)

Delta Döerken (Drainage protection systems and steam covers)

Esco Teknik (Isolation Auxiliary Products)

ODE ( Bituminous Membranes)

Izocam (Heat - Sound - Fire - Installation)

Mapei (Construction Chemicals)

Ode (Bituminous Membranes) 

Technoplan (Pvc Membranes)

Fischer Fire Stop 

Armacell (Oneflex, Armaflex) 

Kalekim (Construction Chemicals)


Our applied operations are Water and Thermal insulation.
Spray Polyurea, polyurethane waterproofing applications, spray water insulation systems, bitumen-polyurethane waterproofing systems, bitumen membrane waterproofing systems, synthetic membrane systems (PVC, TPO applications), injection applications.

Our fields of application are foundation, curtain, terrace, wet areas, parking lot, pools, tunnels, hydroelectric power plants and dams.

We hope to be your solution partner in your projects and look forward to working with you.